Follow Along With Our Summer Study
Sunday morning summer study
This summer, from June 9th to August 25th, Sunday Morning Adult Bible Studies will combine to walk through Francis Chan’s study - Letter to the Church.
Audio recordings of the study sessions will be posted to this unlisted page for members and attendees to follow along when you miss a Sunday this summer.
June 9th
June 16th
June 23rd
June 30th
July 14th
July 21st
July 28th
August 4th
August 11th
For the first Sunday, Pastor Eric provided an overview of the Summer Study and began with a close look at Acts 2:42-47.
Greg Giddens provided us with a discussion on Chapter 1 “ The Departure”
On our third Sunday morning together, Derek Davis discussed Chapter 2 and what it truly means to be sacred.
This past Sunday, Bob Forcht led a discussion on the 3rd chapter entitled “The Order” which talks about God’s order for the church, the congregating of his people.
Alex Roth led us in a discussion on Chapter 4 titled “The Gang” where we focused on what it means to love, be loved and be a part of a church family.
At the root of our calling is a command to imitate Jesus by serving one another but what percentage of Christians show up on a Sunday ready to serve one others? John Turner led the discussion of Chapter 5 “Servants” and what it looks like to be a church full of servants.
Judy Camarella led our group through the discussion of Chapter 6 “Good Shepherds” where the highest level of church leadership is discussed and the qualities we believe those people should have.
This past Sunday, Clint Hunt led our discussion through Chapter 7, titled “Crucified.” Confronting the issue that many people claim to be Christians, yet do not answer the daily call, it is said we are to be uplifting the Kingdom of God daily, not when it is convenient.
Shannon Gilmore discussed with us Chapter 8, “Unleashed.” Francis Chan says we must stop creating safe places for people to hide out and start developing fearless warriors to send out.