All Access: Director's Log - Day 3

Yesterday was a packed day at camp, with activities tied back to Biblical truths and study focused on our God who “reveals the way.” Campers studied John 14:6 where Jesus tells Thomas that He is the way the truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Him. In the worship service, campers read 1 Corinthians 9:5-6 where Paul writes that “there is but one God, the Father from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one lord, Jesus Christ, by who are all things, and we exist through Him.” Camp Pastor Jacob shared that when you are walking in the Way, (1) people see Jesus in you, (2) you see Jesus at work in and around you, and (3) you join Jesus in His work.

During church group time in the evening, Pastor Eric expanded on the day’s discussion of God revealing the way, by telling our kids that in the early days of the church, followers of Jesus were referred to as those belonging to “the Way” (Acts 9:2). When Jesus proclaims that He is the Way in John 14:6, He is declaring that He is the fulfillment of the law, and He is the path that leads to the blessed life referred to in Psalm 1:1-3 and Deuteronomy 5:32-33.

Day 4 will be an amazing day with the Skycroft carnival during HangTime, our SRBC kids playing bazooka ball together, and the end-of-camp game - Organized Mass Chaos (OMC) - being added to our regular schedule of activities, worship and Bible study.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s recap of Day 4, which will hopefully be posted before we arrive home from Camp!

All Access: Director's Log - Day 2

The first full day of camp was a blast! With early morning devotional, two small group Bible studies, two all-camp worship services, two large group activity times, two ‘tracks’ of camper-selected activities, and an evening SRBC Bible study, we had a tremendous time of fun and focus on our God who “reveals His name.”

During Bible study and worship hours with CentriKid staff, our kids learned about the names of God and that there is no other name by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12). Campers talked about four specific names of God: Immanuel (our God who is present), Jehovah Rohi (our God who shepherds), Jehovah Jireh (our God who provides) and El Roi (our God who is caring and sees me).

Throughout the week, campers also hear the foundational truths of the Gospel. We are so blessed that his Word is powerful and does not return to Him void, but accomplishes His will (Isaiah 55:11). What a privilege to see lives transformed by the power of the Gospel.

During evening SRBC Bible study time we expanded on the discussion of God’s name by highlighting that God’s name is powerful and takes action - and is more than just descriptive (Deut 12:5 & 11, Exodus 23:20-21, Psalm 20:1-2). As believers, we should not carry or bear His name in a worthless manner (“take His name in vain”; Exodus 20:7). We closed the evening by reading John 17:25-26, explaining that Jesus made the Father’s name known to us, so that we can share in the same love which the Father and Son share.

….and Cut. Day Two is a wrap.

All Access: Director's Log - Day 1

We had smooth and safe travels to Skycroft on Monday, stopping at Chick-Fil-A and arriving at camp shortly after 1:00. All the campers (and Jackson!) went on the zip line; and some went on the water slide - no inclination to change into swim clothes when the opportunity presents!

After dinner we had the Opening Celebration and introduced campers to the main verse for the week: John 17:3 “This is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and the one you have sent - Jesus Christ.” Campers had evening bible study with CentriKid staff and discussed what it means that God reveals himself and that we can know Him!

During church group time, we read the surrounding verses, John 17:1-5, focusing on verse 5: “Now, Father glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.” We connected Jesus’ unity with the Father before creation by linking what John says about Jesus in John 1:1 (In the beginning was the Word) and God speaking life into existence in Genesis 1.