Core Values — SRBC

Our Core Values

He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.
— Jeremiah 17:8
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Our Grounding :: We Are Rooted in the Person and Work of Christ

We at South Run Baptist Church are united in one thing—the redemption we find in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, through whom all things are being made new and in whom we find abundant life. As the root system of a tree provides life and nourishment to its body, branches, leaves, and fruit, so also does Christ provide life and nourishment to all we do. (1 Cor 3:11; Col 2:6-7)

Our Discipleship :: We Are Cultivating and Nourishing the Body of Christ

Christ gathered disciples, trained them up, and sent them out into the world. Before a tree can produce fruit, it must be trained, cultivated, and nourished. A core value here is to learn God’s Word and to live out the teachings of Christ and the life he modeled. This is a life long journey and we are all learning together. We do so according to Christ’s example, always with a spirit of love. (Rom 11:17; 1 Tim 4:6; Heb 10:24-25)

Our Mission :: We Bear Fruit and Plant the Seeds

We have a passion for missions. We believe that the mission field is part of our daily lives – our homes, our back yards, the neighborhoods that surround us, and our schools and workplaces. We trust that the fruit of the Spirit cultivated in us—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—will be brimming with seeds that the Spirit will plant in the lives of others. As we live in Christ together, those seeds will bear new fruit and continue the spiritual life cycle. The mission is not only local, it is regional, national, and international. As a body, we seek to do our part in fulfilling the Great Commission. (Gal 5:22-23; Matt 28:19; Acts 1:8; 1 Cor 3:6-9)

Our Family :: We Are Part of One Vine with Many Branches

At South Run Baptist Church, being rooted in Christ, we are united as one body of many different parts, each grafted into the vine of Christ as many individual branches. We are one “family” of diverse and individually gifted people for Christ. We are a multigenerational family serving many, including our children and youth. We welcome you whether single, married, a single parent, a blended family, parents of none, three or ten. (John 15:5; Rom 11:16-17; 1 Cor 12:12-13; Gal 3:26)

Our Sanctuary :: We Offer Rest and Peace Under Our Branches

As the branches of the tree offer shade to the weary traveler, our church offers God’s rest and healing to any and all who need it. It is where we get away from the unhealthy pace of the world and slow down to enjoy the good fruit God offers to us. The shade tree can serve many purposes. It can be a respite on a long journey. It can be a refuge from danger. It can be a quick moment of refreshment needed to get back out there and do God’s works. Whatever your need, South Run Baptist Church is a place where you can find rest and peace and the loving support of those who will walk alongside you. (Prov 9:1-6; Matt 11:28-30; Mark 4:32; John 7:37)

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