The Encouraging Word Series: Proverbs 3

When push comes to shove, what is it that you trust in? Who do you rely on? Yourself? A parent? A friend? Proverbs 3:5 reminds us that, above all else, our trust should be in the Lord. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” The outcome of a life led in full-hearted trust of God is not necessarily an easy life, but it is a good life. May you learn today what it means to truly trust in God.

The Encouraging Word Series: Lamentations 3

The inspiring hymn, Great Is Thy Faithfulness, was written as a reflection on Lamentations 3:22-23, where the author writes, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” While this passage and the song inspired by it are relatively well-known, what is perhaps less appreciated is the dark canvas on which this beacon of light is found. The whole of Lamentations is, as its name suggests, a lament. It is a dark and desperate work because of the destruction and desolation that Judah has faced. But in the sadness of Lamentation the author finds hope and possibility as he recognizes God’s faithfulness, even in the darkest of times. Let us look to God with that same hope.

The Encouraging Word Series: James 3

James 3 is most known for its call to tame the tongue and its remarkable insight on all the various ways that our mouths and words can get us into trouble. The chapter ends, perhaps appropriately, with a call to wisdom and to peace. Neither wisdom nor peace, it seems, are possible with an untamed tongue. Today, as we study the final verses of James 3, may we seek a wisdom that is not of this world but is from on high, a wisdom that is, in the words of James, "pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, fully of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.”

The Encouraging Word Series: Isaiah 43

There is so much to love about this passage from Isaiah 43. In it we find that though Israel is in a place of exile, God is still for them; and if God is for them, who can be against them? These same truths hold for us today. We should not fear because we have been redeemed by God through Christ. He has called us by name. And even though we may walk through fire and water, God will be with us. What, then, is left to fear?

The Encouraging Word Series: Romans 12

Throughout this encouraging word series, we have discussed passages that you, South Run Baptist Church, turn to when you need encouragement. It has been beautiful to dig into the promises of Scripture that we can hold to as we weather the storms of life. Today’s passage from Romans 12 is walking map, of sorts. Rather than focus on what we should “think,” Romans 12 reminds us of what we should “do.” When the terrain of life gets difficult, Romans 12 offers a series of steps to take as we walk our way out of it.

The Encouraging Word Series: Isaiah 40

As we continue to hear encouraging words from the Word, this week we turn our attention to the last verses of Isaiah 40. It is another popular passage, this time because of the imagery supplied by the verse—namely, that of an eagle soaring over the heights, escaping whatever trouble and storm that may lay below, and flying effortlessly to its destination. Oh that God may renew our strength that we too may mount up with wings like eagles.

The Encouraging Word Series: Philippians 4

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” This is one of the most famous passages in all of Scripture, in part because of the hope that it holds out. Paul says that it is Christ’s strength that gets him through the lows and the highs of life, through plenty and hunger, abundance and need. This morning we fix our eyes on the truth of Christ’s strength for any and all circumstances.

The Encouraging Word Series: Psalm 20

What is a passage of Scripture that encourages you and lights your way forward? A week or so ago, a friend passed along today’s passage, Psalm 20, as a form of encouragement. I found it deeply meaningful, and I hope you do too. In the weeks to come, I plan to preach through passages that inspire us and guide us. Whether in times of peace or in times of difficulty, these are passages that you have found fill your soul and act as a compass. As you feel comfortable, please share such passages with me that I might be able to encourage others as you have been encouraged.

Paul's Charge to the Church

Dee Whitten began serving as the Executive Director of the NorthStar Church Network in November 2013. This is an association of over 170 Baptist churches in northern Virginia. The primary purpose of NorthStar is to energize churches to carry out their God-given mission.

Prior to beginning his ministry with NorthStar, Dee launched a new church in Fredericksburg called River Club Church. Dee also served for five years as the Team Leader for the Empowering Leaders Team of the Baptist General Association of Virginia, and he served for sixteen years as the pastor of Mount Ararat Baptist Church in Stafford, Virginia.

Dee’s wife is Jane and they have two married daughters with five grandsons and one granddaughter.

Seeking Him: The Inward Purpose of the Heart

Dr. Ken Pruitt serves as President of The John Leland Center for Theological Studies.

Prior to Leland, Dr. Pruitt served in full time pastoral ministry for over 30 years, with fruitful ministries in South Carolina, North Carolina, Texas, and Virginia.

Ken earned his Doctor of Ministry (D. Min.) at Baylor University’s Truett Seminary in Waco, Texas, specializing in Preaching and Theology. His M.Div. with Biblical Languages was earned at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth Texas. He also studied for one year in the School of Religious Education at Southwestern Seminary with a concentration in Marriage and Family Counseling.

Ken has also ministered extensively in India, where he regularly serves as a keynote speaker in conferences and graduations for the RUSA Theological Seminary and Research Center.

Ken is married to his high school sweetheart Terry, and they have three beautiful daughters, Nichole (25) - married last week; Bethany (22), and Sarah Joy (10). Each daughter is adopted, and each adoption expresses a unique story of God’s grace and love for a broken and hurting world.

Regarding Hope

Today’s message is about the edges of hope. Not the hope we have when all is well, but the hope we cling to with white knuckles when life is not going how we think it should. Paul certainly shows us the way when he describes his own life as a frail, clay jar. He says that he is afflicted, perplexed, persecuted, struck down, but in all of this, the imperishable life of Christ shines forth all the more. Christ’s presence and life sustains Paul in his dark hours. Let us cling together to the hope we have in Christ our Lord.

Keeling Over in Church

Integrity involves honesty and truthfulness, but the concept of integrity is much broader than this. "Integrity" comes from a root word that means "whole," or "intact," or "complete." Integrity means that what a person believes, and says, and does all come together in a whole. Ananias and Sapphira weren't people of integrity; and the truth is, it's possible for us to be like Ananias and Sapphira, maybe more than we would like to admit. But God is always full of grace.

Walking at the Pace of Jesus

It is indisputable that we live in a hurried world, and it is easy to be swept up in it. We are frequently rewarded for keeping up with the hurry, though often with more tasks and requests and needs that cause even more hurry. Such a life, however, is at odds with the pace of life Jesus seemed to live at. His pace was of a walking sort. It lacked the anxiety and pressure that seem to mark our age. So if Jesus, God-incarnate, was able to live at a slow pace and trust that what will get done will be enough, what’s our rush?

When You Pray

Prayer is perhaps the most essential of spiritual disciplines. In Scripture, Jesus is said to pray regularly. He goes off to pray alone. Some of his prayers are even captured by the gospel authors (e.g. John 17). In today’s passage he is even asked to teach the disciples how to pray. The result is a rendition of the Lord’s prayer, a reflection on why we pray, and perhaps most importantly, it is a reminder of the goodness of the God to whom we pray. God is the Father who loves to give good gifts.

Jesus Likes You

This week we return to the story from two weeks ago, the story of the man possessed by a legion of demons in Luke 8. The passage is not done with us yet as there is still gold to be mined. In it, a man is enslaved in mind, body, and spirit, and Jesus is there to set him free. The freedom Jesus offers, however, is not exactly the surprising part of the story. What is surprising is the man’s response. Initially, he pushes Jesus away. He tells Jesus, “Do not torment me,” when in reality it is not Jesus who torments, it is our sin, our anxiety, our fears, our doubts. These are the instruments of evil, and Jesus is here to set us free.