Open Palms on Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday, in a vacuum, is a glorious day. The entrance of a king! It is the celebration of the one who brings peace, humbly riding on a donkey to take the throne that has long awaited him. But we know that the days that follow are anything but glorious. The days that follow are filled with anguish and death and even betrayal. As Holy Week processes, Palm Sunday looks like a distant memory in the rear-view mirror. The disconnect between it and Good Friday is difficult to square. And yet, this year of all years, we feel the disconnect. We do not celebrate in a vacuum but in reality just as Jesus’ celebration did not exist in a vacuum. And so, on this Palm Sunday we open our palms and stand with hands and hearts open to where God is leading us. We may not understand it, and it is not a road we would choose, but rest assured in this: all of the roads that God leads us to and through ultimately lead to resurrection.
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