Finding God in the Face of the Stranger
They say we live in a tribal culture, and I tend to agree. What I think they mean is that our so-called tribes have sharp divides that mark boundaries of what we do and do not believe, what we do and do not value, and what we do and do not do. Our tribes have clear-cut ways of keeping people in or kicking people out of the tribe. But let’s not kid ourselves, our so-called tribal cultural is only so metaphorically. In contrast, some of the Old Testament is written in a tribal time. Literally tribal; no metaphors needed. It turns out that their tribal culture has much to teach our tribal culture about where to find God. In what must be one of the most underrated and underreported aspects of Scripture, we find that the Hebrews often found God in the face of the stranger, the one who is not part of the tribe. Can you imagine?
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