
Eric J. Gilchrest, Senior Pastor. I am a Baptist minister, the son of Methodist minister, the nephew of a Lutheran minister, and the grandson of Mennonites living in Amish country, Pennsylvania. All this to say, my raising and training is, well, eclectic. When I was in high school, my father moved my family across the country from Ft. Lauderdale to Lexington, KY, in order to pursue a calling to ministry. This made an impression on me, as no one in my family, except my dad, had ever been to the state of Kentucky. This move was the beginning of a spiritual journey in my own life that would one day lead me to the ministry too.

 It was there in Kentucky that I went to college, married the woman of my dreams, and attended and graduated from Asbury Seminary. From there, a long stint (seven years) in Waco, Texas, earned me a PhD in Biblical Studies from Baylor University (Sic ‘em Bears!). After this, I began to teach and preach in rural Alabama where I was a full-time college professor and head of the Religion Department at Judson College. During the week I taught and on the weekends I was a bi-vocational pastor. Life was busy, especially once the third child came along.

 August of 2017 changed everything, however. It was then that South Run Baptist Church called me to be their minister. I am truly honored to minister side-by-side with such a vibrant, service-minded congregation. It is a special place here. We say that we are a “family church,” and while many churches might say it, this church means it. 

 Moving to the Northern Virginia chaos was a beautiful surprise in my life, one of the best graces that God has given me and my family. Living here adds another layer to the eclectic nature of my life. I can say with full-throated honesty, I love living here. I am endlessly fascinated by the people who walk through our church doors. I am left in wonder at the lives they have lived and the stories they tell. I look forward to many more years to come, and I hope that you, dear reader, might consider spending some time with us, telling us your stories, and sharing how God has been at work in your life.